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Eyebrow Tint

Do you have patchy, thin, or uneven eyebrows and are looking for the most natural looking results? Do you fill-in your eyebrows? Want Fuller Eyebrows and More Shape Definition? Lamination Tinting is a perfect fit for YOU!

A mini consultation is required to help determine shape and style.
What Are The Different Style options?
There are different techniques to this service. Some directions of the hair can go in one direction or a custom direction. A custom direction will be a laid out pattern that will make a natural looking eyebrow creating a 3-D effect. The Style depends on the technique and desired style.

Natural Hair-Like Eyebrow Style:
Create the appearance of a more natural eyebrow by utilizing the newest needle configurations and 3D hair stroke techniques. We will help recreate your brow stroke-by-stroke applying a feathered, natural-looking hair stroke for 3D-like results.

Fashion Powder Brows:
Fashion Powder Brows is the ultra-modern advanced technique of shaded eyebrows. Perfectly shaped lines in 1 or 2 shades that fade beautifully into each other for a soft, natural shaded brow. Once healed, Fashion Powder Brows look like a soft brow shadow behind the clients naturally shaped brow.

How Many Appointments Needed to Complete My Look?
To complete the look of your eyebrows it will take 2 appointments. The First appointment will be focused on your natural strokes and shape. This technique and Art of microblading is very detailed and requires The second appointment which will be included in the price. The second touch-up is a complementary service to make any adjustments and ensure color.

The second appointment is a complementary touch up and takes place with-in 6 to 8 weeks after the initial appointment after the pigments settle into the skin. In this complementary touch up, the artist makes any needed adjustments and ensures each hair-stroke is in place and even color.

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